Saturday, 9 March 2013

K-Cup Alternative: Cameron's Single Serve Coffee

Cameron's Single Serve Coffee in Chocolate Caramel Brownie
$7.99 for 12 single serve coffees at Sobey's grocery stores
$7.99 for 12 at Cameron's website

I've really been enjoying these Single Serve Coffees from Cameron's. They're cheaper than K-Cups, use less packaging, and they taste great! This one in Chocolate Caramel Brownie is chocolately and smooth.

At first, I wasn't sure how these were going to work in my Keurig machine, but they ended up working better than actual K-Cups! Some of my K-Cups have malfunctioned resulting in coffee grounds escaping into my coffee.

The top looks similar to a K-Cup.

The rest of it looks a lot different from a traditional K-Cup, but as you can see, there is less plastic on this one.

It fits snugly into a Keurig machine.

Unlike a K-Cup (where the bottom of it is punctured to let the coffee out), the Cameron's Single Serve Coffees have a simple coffee filter bottom. The Keurig machine doesn't puncture the bottom because it is shorter than a K-Cup and doesn't reach that far down. As you can see, the bottom is undamaged, resulting in a pleasant grind-free experience.

I definitely recommend checking these out! I've only had great experiences with them and I'm anxious to try out the other flavours.

These also work in other machines including:

  • Jaimbria
  • Breville BKC700
  • Cuisinart SS700
  • Mr. Coffee BVMC-KG1

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